Our Careers Education Offer

Baker Clause

The Education (Careers Guidance in Schools) Act 2022 is an amendment to the Education Act 1997 which states that schools must:-

  • Secure independent careers guidance for all students in Years 7 – 11.
  • Allow colleges and training providers access to students in Year 7 – 11 to tell them about non-academic routes which are available to them.
  • Promote the full range of technical options. 
  • Ensure students are aware of the benefits of apprenticeships, T Levels and other approved technical education qualifications. 
  • Make every effort to improve their performance against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. 
  • Ensure governing bodies and senior leaders should review their arrangements for provider access and prepare and publish a policy statement on the school website.

The provisions made at ELAT schools are detailed in their Provider Access Policy

Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman. They define what world class careers provision in education looks like and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision within schools or colleges.

The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme ​
  2. Learning from careers and labour market information  ​
  3. Addressing the needs of each student
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees 
  6. Experiences of workplaces 
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance