Attendance and Punctuality

Regular school attendance is crucial to a happy and successful school career, and staff at The Brittons Academy will always work closely with parents and carers to support them in their legal duty to ensure that this happens.

“If a school can improve attendance by 1%, they will see a 5-6% improvement in attainment.”

Department for Education and Skills

Poor punctuality is not acceptable. If your child misses the start of the day they can miss work and do not spend time with their teacher getting vital information and news for the day. Students arriving late disrupt lessons, assemblies and learning family time. Lateness will be sanctioned with a twenty minute detention at lunchtime on the same day.

Ways Parents can encourage good attendance and punctuality

  • Talk regularly with your child about school and how they feel about it.
  • Your child will be more likely to attend if they feel supported and anxieties listened to.
  • Phone us as soon as possible to tell us why your child is absent, and when you expect them to return. Putting the school number in your phone can save you time. Know the school routine for alerting you to absence.
  • Only grant days at home for genuine illness.
  • Avoid taking holidays in school time.
  • Know routines of the school day to avoid issues, e.g. have they got their PE kit?
  • If you have concerns ring us – we will check attendance and be discreet.
  • PRAISE AND REWARD GOOD ATTENDANCE: even small successes, e.g. going in promptly, even when first lesson is their worst!

We appreciate that school absences cannot always be avoided. In these instances, authorisation must be provided by the school. Please contact us and/or complete the relevant form: