Careers Education, Information and Guidance


To state The Brittons Academy’s arrangements for managing the access of education and training providers to students and/or their information for the purpose of giving them information about their offer. This statement sets out:

  • Procedures in relation to requests for access
  • The grounds for granting and refusing requests for access
  • Details of premises or facilities to be provided to a person who is given access

Statutory requirements

Schools are required to ensure that there are opportunities for a range of education and training providers to access students in years 8 to 13 to inform them about approved technical education, qualifications or apprenticeships. This is outlined in section 42B of the Education Act 1997. The Brittons Academy endeavours to meet all benchmarks set out in the Gatsby Framework, which is recognised as the exemplar standard of quality Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG).

Student entitlement

All The Brittons Academy students in years 7 to 11 are entitled to:

  • Find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of our careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point
  • Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships
  • Understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses

Management of provider access requests

Any provider wishing to request access to student information should contact the Careers Lead (Michaela Philpot – Assistant Principal) or the Careers Coordinator (Paula Hissey) A number of events are integrated into our careers programme where we offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers. Individual post-16 providers are invited to support events, run assemblies and deliver talks about what they have to offer our students after The Brittons Academy throughout Key Stages 3 and 4.

Please contact our Careers Lead to identify the most suitable opportunity for your organisation.

Granting and refusing access

We only grant access for the approved Havering provider, Prospects, to pupil data and share this given their approved status by our local authority and their compliance with GDPR. We also provide references of Year 11 students to post-16 institutions when requested from approved educational establishments by secure and identifiable means. If visits are agreed providers will be given access to the best space for the nature of their event and all standard equipment to run a successful presentation. Any specialist of institution specific equipment will need to be brought by the provider. Our Safeguarding statement outlines the school’s procedure for checking the identity and suitability of visitors. Education and training providers will be expected to adhere to this statement and provide clear evidence of identity when visiting the school.

Monitoring arrangements

The school’s arrangements for managing the access of education and training providers to students is monitored by the Careers Lead.

Information Advice and Guidance

We promote and facilitate a number pf physical and virtual careers insight talks and experiences throughout the year, targeted at different year groups. We are seeking volunteers to run Parental Careers talks to Year 8, 9 and 10 students, if you are interested in being involved in this please contact or

All students have an individual Careers interview during Key Stage 4 with the trust’s Independent Careers Advisor, Kirsten Witchalls, and may repeat this if required. Parents are welcome to attend with their child. Please contact if you have any questions regarding individual Careers interviews.

A Borough sourced NEET intervention runs from September until May half term for Year 11.

Our SMSC weekly bulletin contains a ‘Careers’ section to expose students to a range of post-16 pathways, employment areas and FE and HE institutions alongside exploring the qualifications, personal qualities and employability skills needed to thrive in the wider world.